Seashore pediatric
Seashore pediatric

seashore pediatric

Data were collected by interviewing parentsof children using a questionnaire and were analyzed using chi–square test by SPSS program version 11.0.Results There was no difference in the prevalence of STH in bothvillages (p>0.05). Kato Katz andcentrifuge floatation methods were used for stool and soil exami-nations, respectively.

seashore pediatric

Sub-jects were recruited by simple random sampling. The knowledge of stimulation of theworking mothers was worse than that of the nonworking mothersand the attitude and practice of the working mothers were betterthan those of the nonworking mothersīackground Soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) is an importantpublic health problem in Indonesia.Objective To find out factors influencing the transmission of STHin two different communities in North Sumatera, Indonesia.Methods A cross sectional study was done on 96 primary schoolchildren in Suka village (located on a mountain area) and 96 pri-mary school children in Pantai Cermin village (a coastal area). These differences were statisti-cally significant.Conclusion There were significant differences in knowledge, atti-tude, and practice of underfive children stimulation between work-ing and nonworking mothers. Good knowledge of stimu-lation of the working and nonworking mothers were 64.6% and97%, respectively good attitude toward stimulation were 95.4%and 27.3%, respectively, while good practice of stimulation were58.5% and 22.7%, respectively. There were no sig-nificant differences in the ages, educational level, number of chil-dren, and number of underfive children. Knowl-edge, attitude, and practice of stimulation were classified as good,less, and poor.Results There were 131 mothers interviewed. Selected respondents were interviewed using a struc-tured questionnaire. Respondents were female workers havingunderfive children assigned as working mothers and wives of maleworkers (with similar inclusion criteria) assigned as nonworkingmothers. IndofoodSukses Makmur, Tanjung Morawa, Medan from October 2002 un-til November 2002.

seashore pediatric

Objective To assess and compare knowledge, attitude, and prac-tice of underfive children stimulation of working and nonworkingmothers and to determine the correlation between knowledge, at-titude, practice of stimulation and mothers’ ages, educational level,number of children, and number of underfive children.Methods A cross-sectional study was performed in PT.

Seashore pediatric